Title: High and Fragile
Curator: Danniel Tostes
Venue: Lovay Fine Arts, Geneva
Dates: 05.04.–25.05.2024
We are happy to invite you to the opening of High and Fragile by Marisa Cornejo. Guest curator Danniel Tostes has selected a series of paintings on paper depicting the artist’s highly detailed dreams. Surrealist landscapes show us various migration experiences, as well as her own physical, mental, and emotional trajectory. For over 30 years, Cornejo has been giving form to her nocturnal visions, as a personal diary. She is inspired by the Mapuche and Mexican indigenous traditions in which remembering one’s dreams can become a guide for our daily life. From then onwards, she has modified her feminist practice using oneiric storytelling as the very core of her artistic creation, interrogating and giving voice to her body as an archive.