Artists and scholars: Marisa Cornejo, Nyiko Khoza, Nelson Maldonado-Torres, Zingisa Mqalo Nkosinkulu and Bongani Mkhonza
Place: Centre of Study and Investigation for Decolonial Dialogues, Barcelone, Spain
Date: July 2016
In the Sommer School of Decolonial Dialogues professor Nelson Maldonado-Torres invited Zingisa Mqalo Nkosinkulu, Nyiko Khoza and Bongani Mkhonza and me to present our research art projects. I did a presentation of « Our wounds are our trophies » the research project that I developed in the CCC Master Program of la HEAD, University of Geneva. The presentations made resonate the connections of the struggles of South Africa and Chile where the neocolonial mining projects have produced similar effects in our collective memory.